
Showing posts from November, 2017

keliling kota medan seharian

Banyak orang yang kebingungan ketika datang ke kota medan dan menanyakan apa saja yang khas dari kota yang identik dengan kata batak ,padahal suku asli yang ada di kota medan sendiri adalah suku melayu deli,pertanyaan yang pertama terucap adalah makanan khas dari kota medan barulah kemudian wisata dan lain sebagainya. dan berbicara tentang wisata di kota medan sendiri,ternyata ada begitu banyak spot wisatanya mulai dari yang berbau sejarah hingga yang baru tren belakangan ini,semuanya masing-masing memiliki keunikan sendiri dan tak ada di tempat lain. spot-spot wisata di kota medan yang sudah pernah author kunjungi adalah sebagai baerikut. 1. Mesjid raya medan (masjid al-mashun) masjid ini adalah salah satu spot wisata andalan yang terkenal di kota medan,berlokasi di jl.sisingamangaraja dan berseberangan dengan salah satu pusat perbelanjaan membuat masjid ini sering dikunjungi oleh wisatawan lokal maupun interlokal bahkan mancanegara muslim maupun non muslim,keindahan bangunann...

hidden paradise in aceh singkil part 2

holaaaa..... Good afternoon all, I'll go back to the story that was delayed yesterday. As for the island has many islands are very beautiful and worthy juxtaposed with any beach in this world. and each island has its own uniqueness that is very worth to visit. As for the island that I can visit with a very short time, given the allotment of the holiday is only given as much as 3 days. so, I should be able to maximize everything and enjoy my trip on the island a lot. the island we visited on the second day was the tailana island. and this island is reportedly the island's main destination for every traveler you know, because here we can snorkel without having to feel afraid of depth. The beach is beautiful, white sand and do not forget the blue sea that spoil the eye . without having to make excuses can not or good at swimming in this island, the coral is visible to the eye and it is just waist . less moreover natural beauty of God's creation that we enjoy fr...

hidden paradise in aceh singkil part 1

Pulau Banyak, Aceh Singkil is a Small Island Islands in Aceh Singkil district of Aceh province. the total area is 27,196 ha. Pulau Banyak which consists of a cluster of islands directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, precisely at the western tip of the island of Sumatra.   As an archipelago, Pulau Banyak in addition to having a large enough sea is also a very long and beautiful beach, Pulau Banyak beach is not inferior to other beaches in Indonesia. White sand is softer, waving leafy coconut leaves increasingly beautify the atmosphere of sightseeing with tropical beach scenery. The beautiful panorama of Sunset is also a spectacular exciting spectacle. Many islands are one of the island's newest mainstays in Aceh Singkil. Pulau Banyak is a District in Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The subdistrict capital is on the island of Balai. This district is an archipelago with the number of islands reaches 99 islands The largest island is Tua...